Turns Out There IS A Magic Day To Buy Plane Tickets

Finally, there’s a scientific answer to that magic number of days before a flight when tickets are at their cheapest. The answer? Are you ready? Are you reeeally ready? Fifty-four days before takeoff is, on average, when domestic airline tickets are at their absolute lowest price. And if you don’t hit 54 days on the …

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Be Careful Which Credit Card You Use To Book A Trip

Did you know that pretty much EVERY major credit card has some kind of travel-related perk? Whether it’s free rental car insurance with Visa or travel accident coverage with American Express, most large credit card companies offer some kind of travel benefit, even on standard cards. The only catch? They’ll often require you to pay for …

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Turns Out There IS A Magic Day To Buy Plane Tickets

Finally, there’s a scientific answer to that magic number of days before a flight when tickets are at their cheapest. The answer? Are you ready? Are you reeeally ready? Fifty-four days before takeoff is, on average, when domestic airline tickets are at their absolute lowest price. And if you don’t hit 54 days on the …

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