Read This If You Think You Need A Vacation

For 30 days of travel tips, cheap flight hacks, vacation ideas and wanderlust galore, sign up for our Take A Break action plan below. 

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We don’t know what you do for a living, but we do know you likely need a break. A recent study found that 42 percent of Americans didn’t use ANY vacation days in 2014. And, nearly halfway through the year, we’re challenging you (yes — busy, overworked, financially stretched you) to Take A Break.

During the month of June, we’ll help you nail down how many vacation days you have at your disposal, figure out where to go, and plan a trip you can actually afford.

Of course, there are times when you can’t just “get away” to someplace exotic. But whether it’s spending a peaceful weekday morning alone at home, playing tourist in your own city with friends or planning the bucket-list adventure of a lifetime, we can all find ways to #TakeABreak.

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